Maturity System

Résistance Measurement
Maturity system with ease!
Method which allows, through the temperature monitoring of the concrete, to determine the concrete resistance from any point.
Accurate, efficient and instanteous method.
This method can determine, through the monitoring of the concrete temperature, the degree of progress of chemical reactions corresponding to its hardening.
It allows to know the concrete resistance in situ from the connection degree of progress, resistance determined by the calibration done in laboratory.
This method is based ont the Arrhenius law, which can express the K ratio in the required time to obtain n same degree of hardness at temperature q and 20°C.
This maturity system is in accordance with :
the references of the "Projet National CALIBRE" (National STANDARD Project)
LCPC technical guide on maturity method
standards ASTMC1074-98 (Estimating concrete strength by maturity method)
Trop peu utilisé sur les chantiers, it however brings important improvements at several levels :
Security : for delicate operations such as stripping, lifting, tensioning cables…
Increased productivity : direct reading of resultts
Quality : avoiding the risk of cracking, controlling durability, color,…
Product add-on :
Entirely made in France
Carying case extremely durable and waterproof.
Waterproof connectors
Digital sensors with high precision.
LED (alarm when the programmed targeted resistance value is reached).
Dedicated control software with data mining and graphics
Automatic update of the software and case through Internet
Ability to export in real-time remote date
Features :
4-way acquisition
Waterproof digital thermocouple
Maesuring range : -55 °C to +125 °C
Accuracy / Resolution : 0,5 °C / 0,1 °C
Cable lenght : up tp 100 m
Memory capacity : 2 Go
Date capacities : 600 points
Recording intervals : adjustable from 1 to 20 minutes
Battery : 12 V, rechargeable on 220 V (around 4h)
Recording positiion : 200 h at 20 °C
Port USB 2.0
Windows compatible software
Case dimensions : 27 x 25 x 12 cm
Weight : 8 kg
Supplied in durable, waterproof case