Humidity Cabinet 524 L for 4x4x16cm Cement Specimens

Use requirements: +20°C / 95% HR
Standard : EN 196-1
Useful volume : 524 litres
Temperature range: from + 10° C to + 50° C
Relative humidity range: from 15% to 95% RH
Useful volume dimensions (h x w x d): 1310 x 580 x 690 mm
Outside dimensions (h x w x d): 1920 x 690 x 960 mm
Weight : 160 kg
Mounted on 4 wheels, 2 with brakes
6 stainless steel shelves with sliding devices (shelves dimensions 650 x 530mm)
Power supply: 230 Volt single phase + earth
Maximum power 2500 W
- Rated power: 2050 W
- Vertical airflow by high air flow fan located on top of the chamber
- Indoor housing: stainless steel tank AISI304-18/10 with removable rails
- Lighting with one fluorescent tube, automatic light when doors open
- Wall path diameter 40mm with watertight plug
- Humidity generated by industrial boiler
- Water supply: water connection to the rear of the apparatus
- Digital PID controllers to control the temperature and humidity
- Temperature sensor Type PT 100 class A
- Humidity probe industrial capacitive type