3R partner of the conference ICMFF12
12th International Conference On Multiaxial Fatigue And Fracture
from June 24 to 26, 2019

The aim of this conference is to share the latest developments in multiaxial fatigue and fracture by scientists and engineers from all over the world.
New researches as well as applications in industry are of interest. This conference is a good opportunity for experimentalists, theoreticians, industrial practitioners and academic experts to discuss current progress and build a bridge between their areas of expertise.
After Seville in 2016, this is the 12th conference in a series of successful conferences dedicated to this topic held every three years.
Papers on experimental set-ups, material characterization, analytical models, numerical models, etc. are all welcome.
Special Issues of the two following International journals will be published after the conference with extended versions of some selected papers presented at ICMFF12.
Main Topics of the Conference Experimental, modelling and numerical simulations dealing with multiaxial fatigue and fracture at different scales (component, usual specimen and microstructure) are welcome. Both engineers from industrial laboratories and research scientists are invited to contribute on any of the following topics:
1. Loadings Constant amplitude (LCF, MCF, HCF, VHCF); Variable amplitude and damage accumulation; Gigacycle fatigue; Thermal fatigue and creep; Contact and fretting fatigue; Proportional and non-proportional loadings.
2. Fracture Mechanics Initiation and short crack growth; Mixed mode behavior; Multiaxial fracture.
3. Materials All the materials are concerned: Metallic; Nonmetallic; Composites; Defects and inhomogeneities; Constitutive modelling; Damage mechanics.
4. Testing and Applications Design (notches and stress concentrations); Joined structures; Residual stresses; Case studies; Virtual simulation; Experimental verification; in-situ experiments.