June 2015 : conference ICBBM

Welcome to the 1st International Conference on Bio-based Building Materials
June 21st - 24th 2015
University Blaise Pascal
Clermont-Ferrand, France
The ICBBM is an international forum for information dissemination and exchange, discussions and debates on research and practice related to innovative bio-construction materials and technologies with objectives for sustainable development.
“We aim to be this century’s leader in sustainable materials”. Biomaterials are processed or engineered products obtained partially or fully from renewable biobased resources, including: natural fibre composites, bioplastics, biorubbers, biofoams, bioadhersives, bioinks, biobased paints and coatings.
The conference is expected to attract a wide range of academics, scientists, researchers, students, designers, policy makers and other industrialists from a wide variety of backgrounds, including fields of engineering, materials, sustainable, architecture, and ecological technologies, biomaterials, materials sciences, environmental engineering and government agencies, etc.